Wednesday, November 5, 2008



This year was pretty fun. We ended up going to Logan to spend the Halloween weekend. We left Thursday afternoon and spent Friday ropin' and ridin' and then went trick-or-treating Friday night. Nora Tess wasn't sure about trick-or-treating until the first house where she got a sucker. She proceeded to trick-or-treat the rest of the houses with a sucker in one hand and sticky all over. I have to say it was pretty darn fun. Hope everyone had fun, safe Halloweens. Can't wait to see all the cute pictures.


Suzanne G said...

Love Nora Tess'costume. Extremely adorable. You are beautiful in the pic with Nora. And the pictures of Clay ropin' are amazing. I love your work on your blog, you do a fabulous job.

Melissa said...

N.T. is TOO CUTE! I love her costume! Great roping pictures too! We are excited to see you guys in a few weeks!