So, on Friday the 2nd of January, while we were in Smyrna Delaware, Nora Tess fell off a stair, twisted her left arm under her and fractured her elbow, just above the growth plate!!! At first it didn't seem like it was that bad, I thought maybe she tweaked her shoulder a little bit, but she wouldn't really settle down and she is generally a easy kid to calm down. So we got her back to the place we were staying and thought we'd wait and see how she felt in the morning, because she wouldn't use it at all and we considered taking her in to urgent care (but this was all at about 7 o'clock at night) so I had officially decided that we'd wait until morning when she went to lay down on Clays chest and put pressure on that elbow and just started screaming. So I grabbed her and Amy rushed us to the Urgent Care center there in town at 7:45pm (the Center closed at 8pm) There was not a physician there but a Nurse Practitioner finally agreed to see her. Amy had to fight for me (Thanks Amy!!!) because the Nurse didn't want to see her, she thought Nora had fallen down the stairs and was unconscious (N.T. had fallen asleep in the car) but the took an x-ray and the Nurse told me she though there was an area on the x-ray that she wasn't sure about so the radiologist agreed to look at it that night and they would let me know the next day (Saturday) whether it was actually broken or not. So they sent us home with an ace bandage and a sling. Nora was quite a trooper. Saturday I called twice and finally the radiologist told me that it was indeed fractured. So, we packed up the car and went to the National Zoo in Washington D.C.!! ha. No sense in sitting at home and not being able to do anything. It was actually perfect because Nora was entertained while mostly remaining in a stroller and not having to bother with her arm!!! Sunday we flew home and on Monday afternoon our Doctor here in Kemmerer put a big red cast on her little bitty arm. She wouldn't use it for the first couple of days - I imagine the thing is super heavy - but now after two weeks it's like her arm has always been that big. She still calls it her owie occasionally and refers to the signatures on it as "pretties". Shes got a couple of signatures and she has also been 'branded' a couple of times with Grandpa Broadheads brand and our friends brand. Needless to say, it's quite a bummer. However, it did probably keep us from missing out plane out of Philly on Sunday. They weren't going to let us through to get on the plane (Delta was having serious issues that morning) but I played up the fact that my tiny baby girl has a broken elbow and we just have to be able to get home! Finally the guy let us through! Anyway, I included a couple of pictures of Nora Tess with her cast the first day she got it on.
The CaSt!! The pRiZE for being such a good patient!
Playing with her new toy! Not willing to use the 2lb. arm yet!! :)
Nora Tess and her cute little friend Laynee playing in the tent.
Nora and Laynee laughing at each other!
Meet Taylor Jane
9 years ago
Poor thing! She really was a trooper though! Where did you get that cute race track? Cash has a friend who has one, and he loves it! Hope N.T. doesn't have to keep the cast on too long!
Bummer! So sad to hear about your broken elbow, little cowgirl. We wish you a speedy recovery. We love you all!
A broken arm already! How crazy. I hope she is doing better now.
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