So, we've decided to get serious about a NEW CAR. Or, more correctly, a new car to us. We have gone back and forth about what we want. I've come around to the minivan and love those, but we're thinking of something nice that will get us 4 or 5 years, before the minivan. Something, that gets good gas mileage, because we DRIVE a TON, that is comfortable, with a 3rd row, if possible, and that is higher off the ground then a regular car. I really like the Buick Rendezvous and have for a couple of years, so I've been looking at those recently.
(This picture is of a Rendezvous that Clay was calling on today - they haven't called him back yet)

The New Enclaves from Buick are amazing - but they'll cost ya about $40k + so that's just slightly out of our price range!

This week I found a Rendezvous in Tooele, Utah that I really liked, and seemed to be in the right price range. Clay called and we ended up driving all the way to Tooele last night. The car was BEAUTIFUL - in immaculate condition, and THEN......Clay took it for a test drive. The tires were awful, which we knew. But, he said that it rattled and something in the back end was grinding and it just didn't feel right at all (We drove a friends yesterday morning, so we would have a reference) and so he handed her the keys back and we drove all the way back home "empty-handed". So, we're still shopping. Let me know if you know of any good deals on a nice Buick Rendezvous/crossover vehicle!

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