Here is a random update because I haven't posted for a LONG time! So here's some of what we've been doing since Halloween.

In December we had some family pictures done here in K-town! It was super cold and Taya wasn't a very good sport, but we got a few good ones!
N.T and Tayzilla in the skirt/hat outfits I made for a friend at Christmastime.
we LOVE sledding!
Christmas in Montana is always a special time, especially when we are all together. This is all the grandkids decorating cookies for Santa.
Taya on her new blue roan pony! Thanks Mawga and Papa! They made these rocking horses for the three youngest grandaughters.
We've been doing preschool at home this year. This is Nora doing some schoolwork.
Tayzilla and cousin KB playing babies at the treehouse childrens museum in Ogden. These two are 6 wks apart and they are so fun to watch together.
Tay loves her babies!
We got to have Cousin, Ryker come play at our house for 10 days! it was fun to have a temporary brother and he was great!
In March, Nora Tess fell off her bed and broke her right elbow. She had to have a cast for 4 wks! We just got it off 10 days ago. Keep scrolling down to see what she did to celebrate!Nora had a dance recital the end of March. She has really been enjoying dance. I just enjoy seeing that cute smile! N.T. was also asked to be a flower girl in March for a friends wedding. This is her, and the adorably handsome ring bearer.
Taya grabbed the curling iron, one morning and burned her poor little hand. She had a huge blister for quite awhile. shes a tough little kid!
Nora got to go to Kindergarten roundup the middle of this month. She flew through her evaluation and registration and then got to go spend a few hours, and lunch, in the classroom that she will be in this fall. She is very excited about Kindergarten.
This kid loves to make us laugh.
swimming with the ducklings. ***Don't worry she had her own clean bath afterwards! :)
Exactly 1 week from getting her cast off her elbow, Nora fell off a horse and broke her wrist! They say kids bounce, but apparantly this one doesnt! Poor kid is in for another 4 weeks with a cast on. The positive things are; this one doesn't have to go above the elbow and it is her left wrist, so she will be able to write normally!
Well, that's it for now! We've got some big changes coming up for our family, so hopefully I will keep this updated better. The girls and I will be spending half of May in Arizona and Clay will be beginning a new job in June, so we will be busy this next month.
Wow! Lots of fun stuff goin' on around your neck of the woods!! Well, minus Nora's arm breakage events! Eek!
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