Friday, February 6, 2009


Now, everyone thinks that their child is a wonder. And each child is. Children are amazing to me in everyway. They way they grow and they absorb and learn all the time. I wish I was more like that. I try to let my days with my sweet, independant, little girl go at her pace. It is not easy, and not always possible, but I try to slow my step and not rush as much, because everything is truly amazing to her and she takes the time to look, and touch, and explore everything around her. That said; The grocery store is always an adventure for us. The grocery store is exceptionally fun, as of late, because Nora Tess loves to walk around with me, either helping me push the cart or just dawdling along behind, and say, "hi" to everyone she passes. She then proceeds to smile and if they choose to engage her, will launch into a conversation about her shoes, my shoes, her hat, her blankie, or whatever else she can think of. She has also quickly discovered that "I want it..." is a good phrase - and "I doh want it" is the bane of my existence!!. And therefore likes to walk down the aisles carefully look over her options and proceed to grab something, say, "I want it" and try to place it in the cart. (side note: Nora is very good about putting things back when I tell her that we aren't buying that this time and assure her that the next thing we need, she will get to put in the cart. She is very willing to obey as long as I yield to that incredibly strong independant streak!! :) I wonder where she gets that hmmmmmmm.)
Anyway, the last time we were at the grocery store, things were going along as usual. We passed the same gentleman a few times on our trips up and down the aisles and around the store. He seemed to watch Nora and get more and more amused each time we passed, which is not unusual (she's pretty funny, and she knows it) but as we were heading to the checkout, we passed him one last time (or I should say, he passed us) as he did, he looked at Nora Tess and then he looked at me, "She's very precocious, isn't she?" I laughed and said, "Oh, yes, yes she is" He laughed and said something else about her being precocious that I can't remember. Now, in my mind, I was thinking Precocious meant something like, independant, stubborn, intent on doing things her way, etc., which Nora is all of these things. I decided to look it up in the dictionary tonight. This is what it said:
pre·co·cious (prĭ-kō'shəs) Pronunciation Key
Manifesting or characterized by unusually early development or maturity, especially in mental aptitude.

I just had to smile, of course I think she's a beautiful, extremely bright, little girl, but I'm her mother. It made me grateful to have a complete stranger see that in her. It was definitely a memorable experience and I hope she will continue to be my shining, PrECocIoUS, little star.


Melissa said...

What a cutie! I wish Cash was that good at the grocery store! That is one place that I dread going to with him - he is a nightmare!