Last weekend Nora Tess and I got to go to Cousin Cash's birthday party. I got a little distracted eating the delicious barbecue and visiting with my AWESOME sister-in-laws so I didn't get many pictures, and none of the birthday boy (I know I'm getting bad) but we had a GREAT time.
Nora Tess being a Super Hero
Nora and Cousin Trey visions into the future - I hope they are great buds.
MMMM........delicious Batman cupcakes
what a silly cheeseball!
My Super Girl
********Funny Quote for this picture. I asked her if she wanted to go make a mask. She said, "no, I sit here and watch you make a mask for me!" needless to say I didn't agree so she finally went over and made her own mask! :)*********
I took these pictures today, after I mowed the lawn - I LOVE that I have a lawn. I don't even mind the yardwork because I am so glad that I have yardwork!! While we were raking the clippings (I am buying a lawnmower with a bag next year!) Nora Tess was doing a great job of helping me. I thought she was so cute helping me clean up the yard. After raking she cleaned up all the crab apples and even picked some from the tree for our friend. She loves the outdoors and I can always count on her to be raiding my garden or trying to "work" outside. Helping me rake
This is when I caught her spreading my piles out.
I'm too cute to yell at!
Meet Taylor Jane
9 years ago
I cant even believe how big Nora is! holly cow I think she looks older with her longer hair. I hope we see you guys sometime soon.
She is seriously so beautiful! Thanks so much for making the drive out to Cash's party! We love having you guys!
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