Sunday, August 30, 2009

Nora Tess

This is something that I was planning on doing on Nora's 2nd birthday, but I'm a month late...don't ask. Anyway, I decided that I still wanted to do it. It is amazing how fast the last two years have gone, and I know everyone says that it just keeps going faster. YIKES!!!

Nora; When you came into my life you changed my whole world. What I knew about love was nothing in comparison with what I felt instantly, that first time I held you in my arms. Daddy couldn't look away from you. I almost thought he wasn't going to let me hold you. You have filled my life with spit-up, dirty diapers, worries, and fear. You have also given me such hope and incredible joy, with your smiles, your precociousness, your happy nature. You are such a fantastic little girl. You make me feel good about being a mom, because most days you make it so easy for me. I know I am not always the most patient, and I have high expectations, but you are always patient with me and I'm so grateful for that. The last two years, have been the most fulfilling years in my life. I am so grateful for your beautiful nature and your wonderful spirit that fills our home. I love you so much, my little love. Happy Belated Birthday!!