Wednesday I dropped N.T. off with Aunt Jill and cousins and Clay and I went back into Springcreek to hunt for the rest of the week. We went in really early on Thursday and hunted out Butts off! Our Horses definitely got a workout and so did we. On Friday morning I spotted a bull about 1000 yards away and we got down and watched him until about noon when he went down and bedded in the trees. We hoped he would come back out to that spot later in the evening so about 4pm we got set up about 80 yards away from where he had been earlier in the day. We got all set up and I went to jack a bullet into the chamber and the shell wouldn't go in. I tried and tried and I looked back at Clay to tell him I had a problem and when I looked back, all of a sudden the bull was standing right there about 80 yards away!! I look down at my rifle to figure out why the heck my bullet won't go in and I realize it's a 300 win mag shell instead of a 280 (this is the last time I trust Clay to load for me!! :) so I pull it out and try to put the next cartridge in and it slides right it. The Bull is facing me and sniffing the air, so I decide to take my shot straight on. Clay is set up ready to back me up, but it wasn't necessary, the bullet went right in the bulls neck and crumpled him where he stood. It was super exciting and my first elk, let alone my first bull! It was lucky that it only took me one shot because the next shell in my rifle was also a 300 and the one Clay had given me to put in my pocket for a back up was also a 300 win mag cartridge. So out of the 4 cartridges I had, only one was actually a 280!
One Shot
With my sexy hunting partner!
Oh, you rock! A great bull, I didn't know there were still any in spring creek. Great job!
Nice job LeAnn!! I am proud to be your sis-in-law! You are one talented Chick! Look forward to seeing you guys this weekend.
Awesome! You are definately the woman for Clay!
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