Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Conversations with a 2 year old.

I'm always having these conversations with N.T. and I never remember to write them down, and they are always so funny, random, and/or enlightening.   This week there were two conversations that I really wanted to remember.   

1.    N.T. :  Mama, I have two papas.
      Me:  That's right, you do have two papas, and you have three grandmas.
      N.T. :  Yeah, I have three grandmas and three papas.
      Me :  No, you have two papas and you have three grandmas; Grandma Broadhead, Grandma Lyon and          Grandma Galloway.
      (Silence for a moment, and then to herself)
      N.T.:  Oh, yeah, I have two papas, and Grandma Broadhead, Grandma Tiger and Grandma Gallop!

I don't think she understood why I started laughing!!

2.  This conversation just took place on Sunday.   We had just walked into the church building Sunday morning.
     N.T.:   (sniffing the air)  Something smells really good.
     Me:  (now sniffing also)  It does?   I wonder what it is.
    N.T.:  (sniffing again)  Yeah, it smells good.  It's Jesus!

The last was said like it had just hit her, she knew EXACTLY what that smell was!!!   I just laughed and told her she was right.  But right then, I really wanted to smell Jesus for myself!! :)