Saturday, August 29, 2009

August 2009

What a crazy month this has been. As most of you, the few that check this blog, know, that my oldest brother, Cade, came off his longboard while here in Kemmerer, and ended up with a serious head trauma. So, needless to say, I haven't been keeping up with the blog, or even taking many pictures. He is doing so much better and so we're all getting back to daily life. This is going to be a pretty HUGE post with a few pictures so BEWARE!!!

I'm not sure how I ended up not posting pictures of this, this was actually in July. I was in charge of organizing the Kemmerer Little Buckaroo Rodeo in July. It was a pain, because I didn't know anything about the Rodeo, but I think it ended up turning out okay. We had fun anyway. Here are a few pictures of when Nora Tess did the Stick Horse Barrels. She certainly wasn't the fastest but if you ask me she was definitely the cutest (actually I think it was a tie between her and Trey who is so stinkin' adorable it hurts!!)

Next, it was Nora's 2nd Birthday. We had her Birthday party on August 1st which is when Cade's accident happened to I am way behind on her birthday post. On her actual birthday we ended driving down to Provo, Ut. early in the morning to pick up Nora's birthday present. It was not really something we had planned until Clay came home after playing around on KSL Classifieds. He made me sit down and watch this video of this little girl riding a shetland pony. I told him, "oh, that's the kind of pony we need to find next year for Nora!" He told me that he had bought him. Nora was watching the video with us, but I didn't think she'd really understand, it took me a minute to actually understand! But Nora whipped her head up and ran around me, grabbed Clay and said, "oh Thank you Daddy!" Clay immediately started to tear up. It was so sweet. Nora talked about her New Pony the rest of the day, and night. She woke up at 4 the next morning asking about her pony. So, here he is, presenting TOBI the newest member of our family:

We had Nora's party on the Saturday after her birthday. We brought Tobi and had pony rides. We invited a few friends from around here and all our family. I really wasn't trying to have a party per se, but I love having my family here one weekend a year. The Oyster Ridge Music Festival was going on so I thought it would be a great weekend to be together. I didn't get many pictures because I was trying to orchestrate everything but here are the few I got. Thanks to my wonderful family for coming and for all the great, fun gifts. FYI: We are not having any more parties in Kemmerer. I think if my family is going to get together we better do it in a place where we don't have to use life flight!!! :)

We've also been busy on the house: We've gotten sod for our backyard!! yeah! I absolutely love going out in the backyard and playing on the grass instead of that awful dirt. We redid all the walkways in front of the house and a patio pad in the backyard. We oiled and sealed our asphalt. And Clay is out replacing the big windows on our sunporch as I type (I'm actually feeling kind of guilty that I'm in here doing this, but he just hollers when he actually needs me, otherwise I'm in the way!) We've been busy and the summer has just flown by. Here are a few pictures I have of our various projects.


Christy said...

I hope you had a good anniversary also! It was so fun to see you. Brooks talked a lot about Nora, and Clay was so awesome to get him on the horses. You have a great little family.